Privacy Policy

Our website automatically collects general trend data from all users using website statistics tools. The information collected is used on an aggregate basis to generate statistics and measure site activity for the purpose of evaluating and improving this website. For example, we may use this information to track the total number of visitors or to determine which pages are most popular among visitors as a whole. This information does not contain anything that can identify you personally.
“Personal Information” is defined as any information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to whom such information pertains. Personal information includes, but is not limited to, name, telephone number, and email address.  If you choose to use the contact form provided or to contact NLN ATLANTIC CORPORATION LIMITED (MAJOR CASH) directly via email, you will be supplying some form of personal information (e.g., email address).
Where personal information is provided, NLN ATLANTIC CORPORATION LIMITED (MAJOR CASH) uses this information exclusively to reply to your request. However, please be aware that email is not a secure form of communication and, thus, confidentiality cannot be assured. For protection of your own privacy, please do not send sensitive information to us via email or the contact form.
NLN ATLANTIC CORPORATION LIMITED (MAJOR CASH) does not sell or otherwise disclose your personal information to any third party. Any personal information provided to this website in accordance with the above conditions is supplied by you voluntarily and NLN ATLANTIC CORPORATION LIMITED (MAJOR CASH) has your consent to use the information only as indicated above.